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WGA Standing Rules

Dues shall be $50.00 (non-refundable) annual membership.  


No member shall be eligible for Association tournament play unless dues are current.  Any member who plays in a tournament who is not a WGA member, will be charged membership dues.


Members must have a valid USGA computerized handicap to participate in daily and tournament play.  All participants shall play to a maximum 36 handicap.  In partner tournaments, participants shall play to no more than 10 stroke difference.  All in-club tournaments shall be played with valid USGA handicap.


To participate in the Member-Guest Tournament, a member must invite and play with a guest who is not a current member of the Hunter’s Green Country Club WGA.  Both member and guest must have a valid USGA handicap.


“Broke 100, 90, 80 and 70” awards (first time only) will be presented for play any day of the week provided play is with another member of the WGA.


The Hole in One must be made by a WGA member at Hunter’s Green Golf Course on “any” day of the week. There must be at least “one” witness, not necessarily a WGA member. It is the responsibility of the individual who makes the Hole in One to submit a signed, witnessed scorecard. This card should be placed in the Ringers box in the ladies locker room. $2.00 will be allocated to the Hole in One fund from the yearly dues of each WGA member. If there are “no winners” in a WGA year, May to May, the money allocation will then be applied to the WGA’s general budget.  Multiple winners will share equally.


10 stroke rule for Wednesday Game - There are days when the specific game allows a player to pick up after reaching their max score (ESC score).  When that is not allowed, a player must play to 10 strokes.  However, a player doesn’t have to hit 10 shots, they can opt to take a score of 10 on any hole.



Tournaments are run by the Women’s Golf Association and therefore only WGA members are eligible to participate.  The WGA will refer to the USGA Handicap System guidelines – Section 3-2. Obtaining a Handicap Index.  This rule states that after at least five scores have been posted, the club will be eligible to issue a Handicap Index to the player in accordance with the USGA Handicap System.  


When you sign up for a tournament, you are committed to play.  If you are unable to play, it is your responsibility to notify the Pro Shop 72 hours in advance or you will be billed (tournament/food).

Hunter's Green Country Club *  18101 Longwater Run Drive * Tampa, FL  33647-2212

* Pro Shop:  813/973-1700 * Club House:  813/973-1000

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